This is it, the finished product of RPM’11. This was quite a different challenge from the previous ones I have completed just in the approach and outlook I took with this. It still was a challenge none the less.

I was lucky for the most part this year as far as technical challenges go. Only an occasional crash for not running on a separate hard drive and a bit of difficulty in set-up due to using new software. The biggest challenge this year was time and getting the physical space to complete the recording. A new goal is to secure a practice spot of my own where I can play all night and record at any time without outside interruptions. I actually think some of the recordings this year reflect those distractions.
I can’t dwell on the negative though because I did write and record 42 minutes of new music in 28 days under adverse conditions.
I will turn in the recording to RPM Headquarters in the morning, then stay tuned to this blog for the next few days as I post and write about the music created. Right now, it’s time for a nap. Cheers!