Tuesday, April 13, 2010

River of Lies

When does a lie become the truth? Is it perspective or the absolute belief a person is correct? Is it hypocritical to call someone a liar when you have no issue making up your own story and changing it as it fits your needs?

Ok, so this is a bitter post today, but questions that I can’t help to contemplate. Recently I have discovered that lies are the new truths. It doesn’t really matter if there is solid proof or evidence available, the person who can tell the best story and get other people to believe it are the ones who will be held as honest people. The surprising part of this is the question of integrity. The honest person’s integrity will be questioned while the ones who make up stories to fit their needs will get away with whatever they send out to the universe. The way to survive then is to become the best story teller no matter if it is a true or false story. 
The best way I can put it is in a song. 

Photo Taken by Bob Walker, Jr NH Floods 2006, Dover, NH
Song: River of Lies ©2009 Bob Walker Jr Recorded by Bob Jr & the Martini Gardeners

1 comment:

  1. I struggle all the time with this. As someone to whom karma makes a lot of sense, I can't figure out how the liars and the cheaters and the scumbags get such good responses when those of us who traffic in the truth are often shunned, shorted, and snubbed.
